Friday, May 18, 2007

About "I See Problems"

It took me sometime to think about the title of my Blog. I thought a lot on what I want to write about or share. I always think about Indian politics and politicians, average Indian people attitude, problems of traffic in almost all the big Indian cities, deteriorating living conditions in (New) Delhi - capital of the country etc. And it occurred to me that all such thoughts are about "seeing negative." what does it means - Am I becoming too pessimistic? I ponder on this and the result is this writing. Actually, its not that I always see negative things in the system or people, as you will observe by reading my upcoming posts, but I always seek patterns and try to reason about them. Both of these phenomena, "seeking patterns" and "reasoning about them" lead to some conclusions and therefore, I see problems. If one does not "see/look" around, he (please note that whenever I am writing "He", I mean both "She" and "He" and I choose "he" as it is 2 letter word, whereas "she" is 3 letter word) will be unaffected ( i.e. there is no input to some task, so no result) and if he looks around, but does not reason about the events, again no output. Somehow, it is natural for me to look patterns and reason about them, may be because of my research in "security & data mining" or gifted. well... so finally, I chose the topic of my blog. I will share my views on many topics, which may be quite unrelated, at times, to each other. But one thing that should be common is "Some Problem." I would like to write on our social life, political views, Hinduism (vedic) and present Hindu Religion, computer science (specially security) etc.
so...thats it..


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