Friday, May 18, 2007

Hyderabad Traffic

[I have transfered this article from my other blog to this one]

I came to Hyderabad in January, 2001 (to pursue my higher studies) and within few days, I fell in love with this city. I still love this city very much. At that time, city life was very cool. When I say "cool", I am trying to imply that you go to anywhere without any tension. There was not much traffic on the road. You could cross the road safely and of course, without waiting much. At that time, I developed a notion that people drove nicely. Now, after roughly 6 years, I found that I was completely wrong. People were not driving nicely, but I was not able to see bad driving as there was too less traffic to observe people's bad driving habit. The traffic in hyderabad is simply "mess." Here people drive crazy. They have only one objective "Let me go first." And the worst part is - if i want to drive keeping "rules of the road (what is this??)" in my mind, people give me a very bad gesture and sometime, they are ready to fight!!! People, including professional/govt drivers, don't understand what is meant by LANE. They drive as if playing some "video game - Go wherever you want." Here I want to suggest govt. that don't spend money in PAINTING roads with lane lines. Anyways, people don't follow them. instead use the same money in some other work. Its a big money, getting waste. I am not clear whether people don't know the rules or they just don't want to follow. If they don't know, then I will question RTO office on "How come such people are getting licence?" Whenever, there is a red-light on some crossing, even you want to take a left-turn, you can't, because other people, who want to go straight or right have occupied all the road. They just don't care about others, who need to take left turn. Reason "Let me go first." Even the so called "educated IT professionals (supposed to be) " and elderly people never hesitate to drive so roughly. And the funny part is, whenever any of such people returns from US, he starts complaining about how bad is our system. Then why can't we learn this while being in our own country? The other limit-crosser are "our great APSRTC bus drivers" I think they are one of the most irresponsible govt employees, I can think of. For them, breaking red-light, even after 5 secs, is completely normal. They can stop the bus anywhere on the road. I don't want to mention 3-wheelers auto. They are. anyway, worst everywhere. I don't understand how do they get licence. There are many things which I want to mention, (out of frustration), but let me finish with last one. People love to blow horn. Sometimes, even one horn is not sufficient for them, so they fit another good quality horn to make people deaf!! All govt vehicles do this. In nut shell, here people drive one level down. What I mean is, bus drivers drive like car drives, car drives like motor cycle drivers, motor cycle drivers like bicycle. Please try to understand, Hyderabad is among the cities with highest accident rate. For god shake, drive keeping other's safety in mind. This is the only way to reach home safe. Remember, if you hit somebody, next may be you to be hit. The road is shared by many people with equal right. If we keep driving like this, its not far that we can't reach offices on time, if we don't start in wee hours of the morning!!!


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